Using this scanning tool on ANY website without prior consent may be illegal in your country. TestmyPress accept no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by the
scanning, NOR do we advocate any nefarious activity whether accidental OR intentional. TestmyPress without any limit, be liable for any damage, cost, expense or any other payment incurred
as a result of this scanning tool. By using this tool you are consenting to be either the site owner or at the bare minimum are authorized to perform such tests.
Our Mission
We want to welcome you to the beta version of TestmyPress! We know there are bugs, and we are trying to fix what we can, but our problem is that we are too close to the code. We simply cannot see our design flaws, or a way of testing multiple Wordpress possibilities. All we ask is if you find something, or have any suggestions, please drop us a line. Just do us one little favor, please try to be concise, tell us the page you found the issue on, or have a suggestion for. If it is cosmetic let us know what browser you are using. You can jump to our contact form here Contact Form
Some known bugs involve having security plugins or security type rules in an .htaccess file. On the plus side to this bug, if we can't get info from it, you made it a little harder for a hacker, good job! The more plugins you have, or perhaps certain ones, does increase the scanning time. In some observations we have seen 240+ seconds, so please be patience. In some rare cases we have also seen the scanner simply crash. No worries, no problems, just refresh your browser. You can try again, or report the crash. If you do report it, could you please let us know the day, approxiamte time, your timezone, and the website you tested. These little details will allow us to focus on specific logs, and do some testing. Ultimately, the faster we can locate the issue, the faster we can fix the issue, and create a better experience for you.
In the upcoming months we are planning on launching a discussion forum. We would like to discuss security plugins, htaccess tricks, and general security concerns and concepts. We will also try to provide general Wordpress threads where we can discuss common issues, how-tos, and maybe even delve into the dark realm of the "Database". Again, if you have any thoughts about a certain Wordpress thing, and you think it would be fun or simply want to know more about it, please send us your 'topic idea'. We feel, that if we learn together, we will grow together. We truly want to give to the community, and to us, that means helping every person of that community. I spent 5+ years being a support technician at a web hosting company. With Wordpress being the dominate web software to use, and commanding a large part of the current amount of websites on the Internet today. I have personally dealt with quite a few Wordpress issues. I plan on writing articles about my adventures, and some of my favorite, fun Wordpresss problems, and how I solved them. You will find them on, the currently empty, 'Archive' page.
Thank You!
We have been blessed, to grow up in an environment that has been bountiful in knowledge. This is a big THANK YOU, for all the people that made it possible. Now, it is our turn to give back to the community that made us.
I want to thank the people of CSS Zen Garden For inspiring me to venture out and make my own "style". A special thank you to the Designers @ Spider Buzz because I used one of their CSS as a basic starting point for what you are viewing. And last, but by no means the least, a special thank you to Ryan Dewhurst, Christian Mehlmauer, and Erwan. It is their WP Vulnerability Database that powers the Wordpress scanner tool. According to WP Vulnerability Database They are currently "Cataloging 13956 WordPress Core, Plugin and Theme vulnerabilities"